Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tanzania Day 1& 2

Day 2
After a total of 4 plane rides I am now in Tanzania. We stayed in Dar Es Salaam for one night but our flight was a little delayed so we didn't get to do much there. The next morning we boarded yet another plane to get us to Kigoma which is the village we are staying in for the rest of our trip. This plane was a little charter plane and a few of us got sick  once we finally got off. I never get sick on the plane but this was pretty rough. from there we were transported to our first distribution. I cannot tell you how amazing these kids are and how grateful they are that we came. This school that we went to was actually on summer break but several kids stayed behind to meet us & receive shoes. This place had no electricity and one of the girls had brought little flashlights to hand out and the kids loved them  The conditions there were not the best so the kids were thrilled to receive their new Crocs! After their feet were washed & they had their new shoes on they gathered around to sing a goodbye song to us. During the song they would call out one of our names & bring us into a circle to dance with them. It was so fun! We bonded with them even though their English is not that good. We also have learned several words in Swahili. If you want to ask someone their name you say "Jina lako nani?" and if they ask you your name you say "Jina langu Brandy" we have also learned "thank you "ahsante" and when greeting someone you say "jambu."  One thing that i think is funny is when the person from their school was introducing us to the kids and they aren't sure what America is he tells them "Obama" and then they all clap. I also have seen two boys with Obama shirts on. Every time we leave a place the kids run along side our bus which is heartbreaking because they don't want us to leave. More tomorrow!

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